Protect what's important.

We create intelligent lifting solutions that significantly enhance control, capability, and safety of load operations helping you work safer, lift faster, and reduce costs.
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Advanced technology holds loads steady mitigating wind and weather delays.
Construction safety gold bolt icon
Keep workers out of the danger zone and reduce the need for taglines.
Construction safety gold bolt icon
Place picks with unparalleled precision from up to 600 feet away.
Vita Load Navigator
Quotes from the Field
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Thanks to the RocketLever™️ now we have all the load fixed without any rotation within it, and we can hold a fixed position to GPS in the wind! An absolute game changer for lifting and cladding tall buildings with any large façade item that can’t be loaded in the hoist and launched from the slab.

Mark Willis

Operations Director

Thorp Precast Ltd

Hoist systems quote icon

We were the only consistent subcontractor on a site with 50 different subcontractors. When everybody else had to shut down due to wind-outs, we kept working. Additionally, we had to deal with at least 15 changes to the erection sequence, but we knew that thanks to the VLN, no matter what we were faced with, the timing was always going to be the same. Whenever you have consistency with the schedule, you have reduced costs.

Lawrence Ansel

On-Site VLN Operator

Clark Pacific

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We were extremely happy with it, the VLN took a lot of the risk and hazard out of what we were doing. We had 19 men tied off to pieces of metal hanging there waiting for the next piece. Being able to maneuver the load without taglines and with precision ensured that the crew was able to place it without taking their hands off their spot, maintaining 3-point contact. When we returned to the project for the second time, the guys said they wouldn’t do it again unless the VLN were there.

Randy LeRoux

Branch Manager

Sterling Crane

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One of the biggest challenges we have when erecting a tower crane is running long taglines through a congested job site. Using Vita’s system can eliminate that. We did not have to run through an obstacle course, making it much more efficient and safer for the crew.

Josiah Rausch

Crane Tech Manager


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Very cool story that I had the privilege to work on. I love visiting sites and filming new tech, but this one blew my mind... and it just worked. The project efficiencies and increase in safety made this a real winner in my books.

Kevin Schellenberg

Director Creative Services

PCL Construction

Construction safety left arrow in gold bolt
Construction safety right arrow in gold bolt
Industrial load stabilization dash, roborigger, Remote Rotation, Smart load orientation, Robotic load orientation device, Remote Control Technology, Robotic load orientation device

Work safer, lift faster, Reduce costs.

Take the lead in your field

Leading companies depend on advanced technology and products. Let’s explore how we can work together to solve your everyday lifting challenges.
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Work Safer

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Reduce crane related injuries by up to 63%.
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Keep workers out of danger zone with simple remote operation, up to 600 feet away.
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Prevent dangerous spinning loads.
Construction technology that prevents delays icon, unlike Roborigger

Lift Faster

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Command load position throughout any lift.
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Rechargeable batteries get you through your daily picks.
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Lift and drop safely in the tightest and weather prohibitive environments, repetitively.
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Reduce costs

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Reduce downtime due to wind and weather.
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Up to 30% increase to daily single crane utilization.
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Experience up to a 50% increase in production with memory functionality that guides loads to and from precise, preset coordinates.
The patented Vita Load Navigator (VLN) is a load control device that connects below the hook of all cranes, controlled autonomously or manually. The propulsion-driven device measures more than 1,000 data points per second, detecting load movement, making real-time adjustments to eliminate spinning, rotating and swaying. Loads are stabilized wirelessly by an operator from the ground. Without the need for taglines, worker safety and precise load placement are enhanced.

See the VLN in Action

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Multiple models to fit your specific lifting needs.


Vita Industrial's technology is versatile and improves operations in a range of industries. Teams receive specialized training and knowledge for their industry ensuring efficiency, safety, and exceptional results.

Vertical Construction

Vertical Construction

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Renewable energy

Renewable energy

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Oil & Gas

Oil & Gas

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Industry 4.0

Aerospace To Construction - How We Got Here

Vita’s mission is simple — To build technology that brings people home, every time. Although our journey began in the aerospace industry, we discovered a similar need for our innovative solutions within the construction sector. By expanding our reach, we were able to broaden the impact of our mission, making yet another industry safer and more efficient.

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We look forward to lifting with you!